
A Call for Help to All Military Wives.... & All Their Wonderful Supporters

As you all know I have a tremendous soft spot in my heart for military wives. I did the Wacky Women version of them and had a huge response... But now all you sassy TingleHeart fans want one too. The image is a play on the old "Rosy, the Riveter" poster of WWII when women were asked to step up and help out the war effort. (They should have just put us in charge. We would have taken out Hitler before breakfast, ended the war, straightened up the house and brought our men folk home before supper.)

Anyway, here is the first rough draft... the art is not complete but I am working on the caption... Which do you like... or do you have a better one???

Let me know what you think...and help me pay tribute to these amazing women who help keep the home fires burning while their men so bravely serve....

(An yes... a female military piece is in the works for those women who wear a uniform...coming very soon!)


  1. How about "I can handle anything!"

  2. OOO Trish you are right... I can HANDLE anything is better! Thanx

  3. my son is in iraq who was scheduled to leave on may 27th, but now may have to extend his tour because of the swine flu break out. he and his wife are very disappointed. my son is so homesick.

  4. I like handle anything better too!

  5. Also, it should say, "I'm an Army wife," instead of "I'm a Army wife." Can't help it. I'm an editor. Love your stuff, Suzy! You rock!

  6. Hi Suzy. I'm not in the military but I am an artist myself and I really enjoy your work and how you incorporate the positivity of life in your art. I actually like a combo. Have you thought of "I'm strong, I can do anything, I'm an Army wife!" And yes Katy is right about sticking the n on a to make it an. I love our language and am a stickler about spelling. Plus it would be distracting unless you were trying to do a sound out as in I'm a'. Anyway nice work. Hildie
